الإثنين, 29 شباط/فبراير 2016 00:00

Our company's most important products

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Our company's most important products:-

The new generation of treatment techniques to produce high-purity water:

  • Electro Deionization EDI.
  •  The latest filtration and adsorption systems:-
  1. Sand filter
  2. Multi-media filter.
  3. Activated carbon filter.
  4. Cartridge and centrifugal separator filters.
  • Ion exchange unit :
  1. Anion exchange.
  2. Cation exchange (softeners).
  3. Deionizer
  4. Mixed-bed.
  5. Selective removal ions like nitrate or iron ions.
  • Membrane systems:-
  1. Reverse Osmosis.
  2.  Nano filtration.
  3. Ultra and Micro filtration.
  • Sterilization systems:-
  1. Chlorination.
  2. Ozone.
  3. Ultra-violet disinfection (UV).
  • Chemical additive systems:-
  1. Chemical precipitation.
  2. Coagulation.
  3. Flocculation.
  4. Antiscaleant.
  5. Cooling Systems ' Additives.
  6. Boilers' Additives.
  • Biological wastewater treatment system:-
  1. Extender aeration.
  2. MBR and SBR.
  • Other processing techniques:-
  1. Aeration systems.
  2. Oxidation and advanced oxidation technology.
  3. Sludge treatment.
  • Laboratory equipments and reagents:-
  1. Online measuring devices.
  2. Photometers.
  3. Instruments and hits for detecting specific ions.
  • Supplements and spare parts:-
  1. Chemical for operation.
  2. Pumps and dosing pumps.
  3. Sand, gravel, activated carbon, anthracite and resins.
  4. Valves and control valves.
  5. Membranes, vessels and cartridge filters.
  6. Other accessories.


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