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Venous Center

Aswar Al-Jib Trading & General Contracting Co. Ltd. is a 
specialized company in the field of designing and implementing
all water treatment technologies and all capacities with the supply
of equipments, chemicals and laboratory equipment required for them.




is one of major Iraqi companies, which was established in 1996 , and specialized in water treatment.

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Phasellus dictum

Our Mission is to assist water and wastewater customers with safe, affordable and user friendly water.

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Our services

Working to disseminate our name, expand our business and increase our specialties..

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Our Vision

We are working constantly to achieve the distinction and superiority of our products and services..

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(About Us)


is one of major Iraqi companies, which was established in 1996 and specialized in water treatment such as design and implementation of water and waste water treatment plants in all capacities..


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Contact us

Our company contact information .

Iraq - Baghdad Babb Al-Madaam behind Adela Khatin mosque - through the Ministry of Health.
Iraq 009647901512974 - Amman 00962779155846