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Put Garbage in its Proper Place
There›s a place for kitchen garbage, and it›s not underneath your sink or beside your countertop. In
fact, no matter where you keep a garbage can, getting rid of food waste can be a messy, smelly chore.
Bagged garbage can also attract animals and insects, and create unsanitary conditions around your
home. With an In sink erator disposal in your kitchen, chicken bones, fruit rinds, coffee grounds and
more can go right down the drain and into the garbage disposal -- where they›re virtually liquefied to
safely flow into your sewage system or septic tank. You›ll enjoy a cleaner food preparation area, less
cans and bags cluttering your home, and fewer trips carrying garbage to the curb. Disposers also can
play an important role in solving the food waste management challenge.
Food waste disposers can be an environmentally responsible alternative to transporting food waste
to landfills. And, they can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At capable wastewater treatment
plants, food waste can be recycled to produce methane that can be used as a renewable source of
power for the plant. Additionally, many wastewater treatment plants can process food waste into bios
lids to be used as fertilizer. (Check the plant in your area.)
Disposers use only about %1 or less of a household›s total water consumption
and cost on average less than 50 cents a year in electric usage